Scenar for Back Pain, Joints and
If you have back pain, or painful joints or muscles, save
yourself a lot of time, money, and suffering: try Scenar, even just once -- there really is little else
out there to compete with it.
Scenar is based on similar principles to acupuncture and
other zonal therapies, and is at least as effective. In additon
to releasing cascades
natural pain-killing peptides, part of the
Scenar process is that it helps to relax, re-educate and re-align muscles,
joints and trapped nerves. It helps the body to make its own adjustments,
which is essential when you consider the
Every bone, joint and tendon in the body is
connected to all the others through the fascial network surrounding them, and via the propriocetive
nerve impulses connecting all of them to the brain. Tensions and mis-alignments build up from old
injuries, the angle the feet meet the ground, years of poor posture, bad workplace ergonomics, type
of work, etc. They can be massively increased by emotional
Most chronic musculo-skeletal pain
stems from an imbalance in the muscles around the joints. When a muscle becomes injured or stressed,
the sensors inside it, which are constantly sending signals to the brain, stop working properly. The brain
then gets a bit scrambled and sends the wrong signals back to the
muscles, either:
- Too many
signals, resulting in a tight, shortened muscle. No amount of stretching exercises will keep it elongated
because the excess nerve messages will send the muscle back to its shortened
- Or not
enough signals, resulting in a weak, lengthened muscle. Again, the continuing impulses from
the brain ensure that no amount of resistance exercise will help the muscle to regain
its normal
one side has been injured or gone weak, the same muscles on the other side will try to compensate, resulting
in further scrambling of the messages to and from the brain. This undermines the overall integrity of the
body's kinetic chain, as chronic weak links appear. A problem in your lower back may cause a problem
in your hips or your
What Scenar does is to re-boot the
computer. By stimulating the central nervous system, it re-sets the signals between the brain and the
muscles, the balance between the two sides of the body, and the balance
between different limbs or sections of the body. As these nerve signals are normalised,
the strength and length of the muscles is naturally restored, joints return to natural functions with less
deterioration, and inflammation and pain are
Without Scenar, or some other kind of
intervention that re-sets the malfunctioning neurology, any amount of kneading, pulling, twisting, and
bone-crunching will do nothing more than temporarily alleviate the pain and restore limited function, without
addressing the real, underlying causes of the
An epidemic of back pain
One in three adults in the U.K. suffers from back pain, and
about 2.6 million visits are made to GP's every year for treatment. A recent report by the UK's National
Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence
(NICE) said that 9 to 10
acupuncture or chiropractic sessions was the most effective
remedy for chronic lower back pain. Scenar is at least as
effective, but would have been too unknown for them to recommend it.
It also said doctors
should refrain from referring back pain patients for X-rays,
ultrasound and MRI scans, unless absolutely
Many of the people I've treated with Scenar for simple neck
and back ache have seen a huge improvement, or complete removal of pain, in just a few
sessions. I've also had excellent
results, using a full course of treatments, with more severe aspects of
back pain such
as herniated discs and the referred pain of sciatica and
In most courses of Scenar therapy, whatever the
condition, treating the back is central to everything, especially
"Three Pathways and Six Points protocol" shown above. This
gives us readings from the entire central nervous system, and through the back, we give what
amounts to a whole-body MOT and tune-up. This general treatment is often enough on its own to
remove simple back pain in just a
few treatments.
Some back pain just goes away without treatment, but the
conditions that created it usually don't. If it's left until enough damage has happened for strong drugs and
surgery to be prescribed, the condition is already moving towards becoming a chronic problem, or even
If you have recurring or continuous back pain, it
makes a lot of sense to deal with it
Please note that these pages are for general information and not in any way intended to
help you diagnose a medical condition. You should first seek a diagnosis from a doctor, and, if you decide to
try Scenar therapy, work with your doctor in assessing the progress of the condition and the dosage of any
drugs you may be taking.
About the author: Paul Lowe has Scenar practices near Brighton in
Sussex. He tackles many issues including back pain and joints (slipped disc, sciatica, rheumatoid and osteo
arthritis, frozen shoulder, carpal tunnel, RSI), neurological (migraines, IBS, TMJ, RSD,
fibromyalgia), burns, wounds and sports